Astronomy Mystery

NASA Images Show A Door On Mars: Illusion Or Proof Of Bases There?

The photos in this news, taken from the official NASA website, were taken on May 7 by the Curiosity rover and appear to show a door on Mars that looks like an entrance to a shelter dug into a hillside on Mars.

The red planet has accustomed us to mysterious anomalies in its photographs, from pyramids and domes to stones with “eyes”. Now, some more have emerged that soon went viral for showing what looks like an entrance or door with alleged artificial features.

Door On Mars

Below we make them available to you—along with links to download them in high quality from the NASA website—for you to analyze and draw your own conclusions.

Nasa Images Show A Door On Mars

The first was taken by the Curiosity rover’s Mastcam on Sol 3466 (2022-05-07T07:57:46.000Z) on the rim of Gale Crater:

The second picture was taken by the same camera on Sol 3466 (2022-05-07 07:58:16 UTC):

In another view, the colorized and possibly better resolution image can be found on the GIGAPAN site :

Some Internet users have pointed out that it could simply be an optical illusion or shadow play, perhaps generated by the natural fracture of the rock as a result of some natural phenomenon in the remote past. Others have even suggested that it may be the entrance to a tomb—as it is similar to what is seen in burial mounds here on Earth.

The truth, however, is that the angles that the structure presents give rise to speculation about a certain artificiality or a very capricious Martian nature with right angles.

What do you think?


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