
The science community puzzled by the hundreds of thousands of years old objects found in Indonesia (video)

Ancient artifacts have always been a bit of a shock if we’ve managed to get our hands on them, simply because of the magic they hold.

The majority of these items date back hundreds of thousands of years, with others dating back millions of years.

One of the most popular is a half-billion-year-old sandal imprint, as well as the hammer in London, which is said to be at least five million years old.

Every artifact tells a tale; if we can decipher the story or not is up to us; but, even though we can’t locate the exact story that goes with each one, it’s still fascinating to speculate about these stuff.

Any artifact, in a sense, elicits a million stories, stimulates the artistic imagination, and broadens our mutual understanding of the possibilities that we can or may not have.

Archeologists discovered two stones in one of Kupang’s caves in 1992, which have been classified as “out of place artifacts”/strong>.

The idea that a solar system is engraved on them is amazing, but to be more specific, the solar system is an exact copy of the one that was sent into orbit by a Soviet satellite not long ago.

This is either a massive coincidence, something we all know better than to believe in, or evidence of how relative time and space are in the grand scheme of things.


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