
According to a Russian UFO expert, he knows how alien UFOs travel across space.

The human species’ inescapable goal to spread over the cosmos is to travel faster than the speed of light.

10 things we learned about UFOs and aliens in 2022 | Space

When compared to the vastness of the universe, light moves incredibly slowly: a ship moving at the speed of light would take more than four years to reach the nearest stars, and 25,000 years to reach the nearest galaxy, Canis Major Dwarf.

Civilizations without the technological capability to travel through space by enclosing their ship in electromagnetic fields are unable to reach the solar system.

Valery Uvarov, Director of the International Information Center for Ufological Research, discussed this with FAN in an interview.

Valery Uvarov highlighted how, in his opinion, mental brothers traverse through space faster than we do.

“Those civilizations who have perfected flying on a certain form of ship, which we see in the sky and have named UFOs to this point,” he added, “employ a massive electromagnetic field to navigate in space.”

“With its help, a path is made across gaps, and a’step’ is taken, yet they do not even proceed.”

“In our solar system, civilizations that lack such technology and travel linearly from point A to point B cannot exist,” the study concluded.

“No other propulsion technique known to man has the ability to push a starship farther and faster into space than electromagnetic propulsion.”


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