
Astonishing Discovery: Alien Abductions of Women Who Had Sex and Left Them Pregnant

Shocking revelation- aliens abducted women and had sex, left them pregnant According to the news of The Sun, the Pentagon has made a shocking disclosure. In which it has been learned that aliens have had sexual encounters with humans five times, in which aliens abducted women, had sexual relations and left them pregnant. Evidence has been found for this.

Aliens Story: Aliens i.e. UFOs have always remained a matter of mystery for humans. Talking about the recent news, it is said to send nude pictures of humans to get information about aliens. From time to time there are news about aliens. Meanwhile, there has been a shocking revelation in which many witnesses have alleged that UFOs have made sexual relations with humans and left many women pregnant.

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According to a report in ‘The Sun’, such claims have been made in the documents handed over to the Pentagon by the Defense Intelligence Agency. This has been revealed in this report titled ‘Anomalous Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Human and Biological Tissues’, in which the US Ministry of Defense examined the health of people who claimed to have ‘paranormal experiences’. Some of these were simple, some very strange and there was also a case of ‘mysterious pregnancy’. This report released by the Pentagon included a list of effects that can be seen when going close to an alien or UFO.

Aliens Had Sexual Encounters With Humans, Left One Woman Pregnant, Claims Pentagon

In this report, it has been said that from normal injuries to abduction by aliens, not only this, there are five such cases of ‘sexual relations’ and ‘death’. Other experiences included in the ongoing list include nightmares, loss of voice, eye injury, shortness of breath and weight loss. The Sun has published these results citing a document obtained from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). According to the report, it included scientific reports commissioned by the government and letters from the Pentagon related to the UFO program.

A US-based research agency MUFON has prepared a list. It talks about the biological effects of UFO sightings on humans and their frequency. This report mentions strange incidents like apparent abduction, pregnancy, sexual encounter i.e. rape, experience of telepathy and alleged teleportation, this study talks about five alleged sexual encounters between UFOs and humans.

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