
People worldwide received postcards with bizarre symbols, a Roswell phone number and the title “They’re coming”

Thousands of people in the US, Canada, and Europe received an odd post card in the mail today, according to my research. With a plethora of odd symbols and numbers, it says “They’re coming.”

One of the numbers appears to be a phone number with a Roswell, New Mexico area code. We were disconnected after 30 seconds of odd static, clicking, and wind-whooshing noises. Every time we call, we hear the same sound.

After doing some investigation, I discovered that people on Reddit are debating this matter quite seriously, with everyone offering their viewpoint.

According to a Reddit member,

“When I dialed the number today, I got a new recording. “There’s something odd going on,” a voice now says.”

Is it possible that someone knows what this is?

Several hypotheses exist.

Some people feel the governments are preparing us for alien disclosure; nonetheless, I’d like to remind you that they declared in June that they will declassify several files.

Others fear that the governments are planning a false flag, a fictitious Alien invasion, to scare people into uniting. The global reset is a large-scale initiative.

However, other others feel it is only a marketing strategy. Why would I tell tens of thousands of people on two continents that a store or anything is about to open without even disclosing the name or location? What’s the big deal?

Take a look at the video below, which also includes the call’s audio.

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