Teenager with Down syndrome becomes dancer, model, ‘She’s the best of us’

“I found out I was pregnant as I was waiting for test results before getting anesthesia for knee surgery. The nurse said, ‘Ah, we are going to have…

Más de un millón de momias fueron halladas en una necrópolis egipcia

No quedan dudas de que una de las civilizaciones más extraordinarias, y al mismo tiempo misteriosa, que ha existido en el mundo es la cultura egipcia. Hasta ahora, Egipto…

Adorable Twins Born Minutes Apart But In Different Years

A San Diego mom who gave birth to a baby girl and baby boy recently. They don’t share a birthday, as they were born on different days and…

A Queensland Mum Delivers Her Own Baby On The Side Of The Road

Saalia Maestrom had feared giving birth on the side of the highway, and she still can’t believe it occurred. “I had this talk with the midwife so many…

Mum Calls Her Own Baby Ugly And Says He Looks Like A Garden Gnome

Emily Crossan, from Rugeley, Staffordshire – A mum has shared pictures of her own ‘funny looking’ baby who looked ‘ like a garden ɢɴᴏᴍᴇ’ but says other parents…

Premature Twins Sisters Born Via C-Section Snuggling As They Enter The World

This is the incredible moment premature twins entered the world, cuddling each other tightly. Fully embraced, Aria and Skylar Morgan-Trodden held on to each other while they were…

The Couple Got The Perfect Quadruplets In Colorado

The couple – Hannah and Ted worked hard for 5 years to have a baby. Even trying IVF (in vitro fertilization) and fertility treatments. After nothing worked, they…

Sweet Moment Their Baby Big Brother Comforted Mom Melted Your Heart

Taking to Facebook, Hailey shared a series of striking photos she took as young mum Sarita gave birth to Amos and Noah, with her husband and baby son…

Touching Photographs Capture A P.remature Family He Was Born 15 Weeks After 1 Year Will Make You Cry

The Millers live in Columbus and have been married for four years. They both hail from Ohio’s center region. Their first child, Ward, was born at Riverside Methodist…

One Of The Smallest Baby Ever Born In The UK Survives Her First Cuddle With Her Father

In this touching scene, one of the tiniest babies in the UK makes it through her father’s first embrace. Tiny Macey Micklethwaite, from Worcester, was barely bigger than…

Twins Described As ‘One In A Million’ After One Is Born With Dᴏᴡɴ sʏɴᴅʀᴏᴍᴇ

About one in every 80 births in Norway is a twin birth, and about 25% of them are so-called monozygotic. When the English couple Nicola and Todd Bailey…

Mother Conceives Naturally 3 Months After Giving Birth To IVF Baby

Deciding to have a child is a serious step; the moment is special, different, and important. I remember so clearly – my husband (Chris) and I came home…