Dad Poses With Baby For Family Album And Gets A ‘Surprise’ From His Son

Newborn photo sessions are an adorable way to document the first days of a child’s life. Then, naturally, first-time parents Mark and Shayna Resnick of Sarasota, Florida; they…

Did This American Woman Give Birth to 17 Babies at Once?

“Babies kept coming and coming and coming and coming…” The tale of a woman named Catherine Bridge, who supposedly “holds the World Record for the most babies in…

A Mother Is Strongly Criticized After Giving Her Baby A Manicure

Becoming a parent is a wonderful experience that puts mothers and fathers in awe as they can’t wait to hold their baby in their arms. That is why,…

Hilary Duff Shares Emotional Footage Of Her Home Birth

Hilary Duff is at home when she gives birth to her third child. The birth was attended by her husband, Matthew Coma, as well as her mother. In…

How They Nursed A Newborn Girl The Size Of An Apple

A baby named Sayby managed to survive despite the gloomiest forecasts of doctors. She is the smallest female baby in the world. Medium sized apple. Juice box. Baby…

Obstetrician Gives Birth In A Car And Video Of The Birth Goes Viral On Social Media

Everything was prepared for the birth of little Artur to take place in a hospital in Recife. However, unexpectedly, the child, whose ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ was unknown to the parents…

How Possible? Reactions as 12-Year-Old Nigerian Girl Gives Birth to Baby Boy

A shocking picture released online shows moments when a small girl, believed to be 12 years old, was seen with a child, which she had reportedly given birth…

Padre cría solo a sus cuatrillizos después de la muerte de su esposa

Después de luchar durante años para formar una familia, Carlos Morales y su esposa, Erica, finalmente iban a ser padres. El 16 de enero, Erica dio a luz…

Mother Of Triplets Unable To Distinguish Between Her Own Children

Una mujer dio a luz a tres bebés absolutamente idénticos: esto sucede una vez en un millón. La británica Katie Crow, de 26 años, siendo madre de un…

Conoce a los únicos septillizos supervivientes cuyos padres desobedecieron a los médicos

En 1997, Bobby y Kenny McCoy se alegraron de saber que serían padres por segunda vez. Ya tienen una hija y esperan ansiosamente para regalarle un hermano o…

Estas fotos de mamás cargando a su bebé por primera vez te dejarán sin aliento

Mamás, ese primer momento milagroso de sostener a su recién nacido probablemente esté grabado en su memoria. Acunarlos, justo ahí en tus brazos, forma una de las experiencias…

Mamá felizmente descubre que está embarazada de quintillizos

A couple of mothers who decided to have a second baby ended up adding to their family more than expected. Heather Langley, 39, and Priscilla Rodriguez, 35, live…