Moms are given terminal diagnosis for baby boy, ‘We decided to celebrate. He was going to be loved.’

Disclaimer: This story includes images of child loss that may be triggering to some. “‘I’m sorry, but the severity of the hygroma leads me to believe the baby…

Mom celebrates daughter’s extra chromosome, ‘She’s our little world changer’

Down Syndrome Diagnosis “I was walking into work when I got the call. ‘You have a 1 in 150 chance of giving birth to a baby with trisomy…

Mom births miracle baby with Trisomy 18

“In January 2017, my first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 10 weeks gestation. My husband and I were devastated. We immediately started trying again and became pregnant…

Family cherishes 29 hours with Osteogenesis Imperfecta warrior

Disclaimer: This story includes graphic images of child loss and may be triggering to some. “Jim and I have been together since February 2011. I knew right away…

Couple advocates for son’s rare diagnosis, Cutis Laxa Type 3, ‘He’s a warrior’

“Baby Nathan was born full-term October 2018, weighing just two pounds, but before he was born, doctors had already begun to notice he was small. They had my…

Special needs mom says ‘these little traumas add up in our hearts’

“This is the unseen life of a special needs parent. I hesitated sharing this picture for a few reasons. 1) Between my mask and tears, the makeup on…

Special needs mom responds to ableist bullies

“It never fails. Writing on the Internet, like most things, brings it shares of joys and frustrations. But sometimes it brings full on heartbreak. Whenever I write a…

Sisters diagnosed with ‘ultra rare’ infantile spasms, ‘They share a deep connection’

“Those two little pink lines took us by complete surprise. I mean… we were planning our wedding. Not exactly the best time to find out we were also…

BFFs become foster parents, ‘We were called to love them completely’

“Everyone asks how we got here, how two unmarried twenty-somethings ended up choosing to pursue foster care together. How they simply came to the conclusion this was right,…

Mom births son with partial Trisomy 18, ‘He is a reminder life is precious’

“When I was young and had pictured my life and future, I never would have imagined I would have a child with special needs, much less two. But…

‘When he needs me, he can reach out that cute little hand and mine will be right there, ready for him. Steady for him.’: Special needs mom shares ode to brave son with extra chromosome, ‘I hold his hands, but he holds my heart’

“I hold his hands. He holds my heart. Wyatt is turning 3 soon, and he is working so hard on walking. He can walk with his walker, but…

Mom gives 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 to rainbow 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 with 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 defects, ‘She’s a miracle’2023-01-05

“On April 19th, 2020, we found out the best news: we were expecting our rainbow 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 after experiencing a devastating miscarriage in February 2020. When I read the…