What to Say to a Laboring Woman

How easy is it for you to cheer up your partner, make her smile, and bring out her greatest strengths using just your words? In this post, we’ll…

“You Were A Big Part Of My Story, But You Didn’t Define Me,” is a letter to infertility

Desiree Fortin, mother of triplets, shares her heartfelt story of overcoming infertility. Anyone who sees the photo above cannot imagine Desiree Fortin’s journey to finally carry her three…

Every time it lands on Mars, ingenuity creates a surprisingly large amount of dust

There’s no way to sugarcoat it: Mars has a “dust problem.” The surface of the Red Planet is covered in particulate matter consisting of tiny bits of silica…

Eight hundred million years after the Big Bang, the Hungry Black Hole was already feeding

Black holes swallow everything—including light—which explains why we can’t see them. But we can observe their immediate surroundings and learn about them. And when they’re on a feeding…

Another Metal Meteorite is Discovered by Curiosity on Mars

MSL Curiosity is going about its business exploring Mars. The high-tech rover is currently exploring the sulphate-bearing unit on Mt. Sharp, the central peak in Mars’ Gale Crater….

Astronomers Get Ahead of the Formation of Mercury

Simulations of the formation of the solar system have been largely successful. They are able to replicate the positions of all the major planets along with their orbital…

Soon, all spacecraft will be able to navigate the solar system independently using pulsars

If you want to know where you are in space, you’d better bring along a map. But it’s a little more complicated than riding shotgun on a family…

Positive news Webb is now again fully operational

The James Webb Space Telescope is back to full science operations. One of the telescope’s instruments, the Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) had been offline since…

Drag Sail Triumph! This Satellite Is Not Going To Become Space Junk

The European Space Agency successfully tested a solar-sail-type device to speed up the deorbit time for a used cubesat carrier in Earth orbit.  The so-called breaking sail, the…

It’s Possible That the First Stars Were Heavyer Than 100,000 Suns

The universe was simply different when it was younger. Recently astronomers have discovered that complex physics in the young cosmos may have led to the development of supermassive…

How can we know whether we are looking at livable exo-Earths or infernal exo-Venuses?

The differences between Earth and Venus are obvious to us. One is radiant with life and adorned with glittering seas, and the other is a scorching, glowering hellhole,…

A green laser-emitting UFO shoots across the city

Straight out of a Sci-fi movie with popcorn jammed in it’s mouth is this drone type craft hovering and flying over Milton Keynes in the UK. Hold on…