Man in Peru Caught Out Drinking With an 800-year-old Mummy!

A pre-Hispanic mummy of between 600 and 800 years old, was found inside the backpack of a delivery man from a delivery company in the Peruvian region of…

Neanderthals Filled This Spanish Cave with Animal Skulls. But Why?

As the data continues to accumulate, it becomes more and more clear that Neanderthals were highly intelligent hominins who built their own unique and remarkable culture. Some of the latest…

Exploring the solar system through space art

Astronomers deal with numbers and measurements, but artists can show us the landscapes the data describe. Comet Lander, Digital An imaginary robotic lander eclipses the Sun as it fires…

Space artists create stunning visions of our Milky Way

The billions of stars in our home galaxy present artists with infinite possibilities for transporting us to other worlds. Life on a Tidally-Locked World, Acrylic In this scene on…

How do black holes swallow stars?

When a star disappears down the throat of a black hole, the flash is just the start of the show. A doomed star makes a close approach to…

Boris Johnson’s Mummified Ancestor Died from Pathogen, Not the STD Syphilis

New research reveals Boris Johnson’s mummified Swiss ancestor did not die of syphilis, as has long been believed, but of an unknown pathogen. In 1787, at 68 years old,…

Cygnus X-1: The black hole that started it all

In 1974 Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne placed a bet on whether Cygnus X-1 was really a black hole. The wager was settled in 1990, but the world’s…

How has Earth’s core stayed as hot as the Sun’s surface for billions of years?

You would have to dig nearly 2,000 miles before reaching Earth’s core — and the 10,000-degree Fahrenheit temperature there would vaporize you anyway. This illustration depicts the four…

The Dark yet Glittering History of the Cursed Golconda Diamonds

The history of the Golconda diamonds is steeped in rich tradition and legend. Dating back to the 16th century, the region of Golconda, located in present-day Andhra Pradesh,…

Astronomers Discover Earth-Mass Exoplanet in Habitable Zone of Wolf 1069

Wolf 1069b is the sixth closest Earth-mass exoplanet situated in the conservative habitable zone of its parent star, after Proxima Centauri b, Gliese 1061d, Teegarden’s Star c, and…

Scientists who study the origins and evolution of the plague have examined hundreds of ancient human teeth from Denmark, seeking to address longstanding questions about its arrival, persistence and spread within Scandinavia.

Scientists who study the origins and evolution of the plague have examined hundreds of ancient human teeth from Denmark, seeking to address longstanding questions about its arrival, persistence…

Humanity may not need a warp drive to go interstellar

Here are a few ways that humanity may be able to leave the cradle of Earth. The field equations of Einstein’s General Relativity theory say that faster-than-light (FTL)…