Colliding Neutron Stars Created a Sphere So Perfect It’s Shocked Physicists

An illustration of a spherical explosion in space. (Albert Sneppen) The colossal explosion resulting from a merger between two neutron stars has an unexpectedly perfect shape. According to a…

Why are small black holes more dangerous than big ones?

The tidal forces at the event horizon of a stellar-mass black hole are much more violent than around a supermassive black hole. Even though a human falling into…

A Tyrannosaurus rex skull discovered in South Dakota is expected to sell for between $15 and $20m (£13m-£17m) when it is auctioned next month in New York, Sotheby’s has said.

Fossil named Maximus unearthed in South Dakota rated one of most complete T rex skulls ever found Maximus, the 91kg Tyrannosaurus rex skull, retains much of its original…

The newly-discovered alien world, named TOI-700e, is 95% Earth’s size and likely rocky.

TOI-700 is an M2-type star around 102 light-years away in the southern constellation of Dorado. Otherwise known as UCAC3 49-21611 and 2MASS J06282325-6534456, the star is roughly 40% of…

NASA’s Webb Space Telescope Sheds Light on Galaxy Evolution and Black Holes

An enormous mosaic of Stephan’s Quintet is the largest image to date from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, covering about one-fifth of the Moon’s diameter. It contains over…

The vast emission feature lies right next to the Andromeda Galaxy, though researchers aren’t yet sure if they’re physically related.

The OIII emission nebula Strottner-Drechsler-Sainty Object 1 appears next to M31 as a banded teal arc in this HOLRGB image. Despite being one of the most venerable and…

While we can’t see inside a black hole, we can spot the intensely bright glowing disk that surrounds one. Now, we might better understand why these disks appear to twinkle.

While we can’t see inside a black hole, we can spot the intensely bright glowing disk that surrounds one. Now, we might better understand why these disks appear…

Archaeologists unearth a portrait of a king carved into stone in a 4,300-year-old Chinese Pyramid

A team of archaeologists say they have found what could be the portrait of a king carved into stone at the foot of the 4,300-year-old Shimao Pyramid in…

Black holes could take us to the future, and maybe even the past. The hard part would be surviving the trip.

Black holes form natural time machines that allow travel to both the past and the future. But don’t expect to be heading back to visit the dinosaurs any…

AI is helping hunt for extraterrestrial life — and it’s found 8 strange new signals

AI’s ability to identify ‘technosignatures’ missed by classical algorithms is an exciting step forward for radio astronomers. Some 540 million years ago, diverse life forms suddenly began to…

8 Cool Destinations That Future Mars Tourists Could Explore

Touring Mars   Mars is a planet of vast contrasts — huge volcanoes, deep canyons, and craters that may or may not host running water. It will be…

NASA is working hard to identify and track asteroids that pose the greatest danger to Earth.The Earth is still vulnerable to possibly dangerous asteroids.

NASA is working hard to identify and track asteroids that pose the greatest danger to Earth. But despite a congressional mandate, the agency is falling short. Last year,…